Online Happiness Workshop
I have just added a new online workshop. It is the best way to learn how to harness positive energy in your life that leads to lasting happiness. I hope that you will enjoy this fun and enlightening new path to a happier life. Please let me know if you have any questions. – Veeder
Working on improving your own happiness is serious business. Opening your mind to new ideas takes commitment. And once your mind is on board, your actions must be consistent with your thoughts. If you are working on changing some unconscious negative energy behavior, such as impatience for example, it can take several months (and even […]
I’m Back
I am back to work after dealing with a health issue that I am done with (not the virus). The first thing I am doing is adapting some of the Advanced Awareness workshops to be taken online. This is in keeping with the idea that during this virus pandemic, gatherings of people in a workshop […]
Incorporating the positive energy of love more and more into your life leads to greater happiness. You can access the positive energy of love at any time by rising above your ego-based fears into what I call your “spiritual temperament” of Higher Consciousness. This “spiritual temperament” contains an infinite supply of positive energy with the […]
Becoming aware of your own personality (the way you prefer to think) is very useful in better understanding yourself. It provides a roadmap to some of your thinking preferences that may be out-of-balance. Out-of-balance thinking can lead to poor decisions that lead down an unhealthy path of unhappiness. Your personality affects just about everything you […]
The Habit of Happiness
The “Habit of Happiness” comes naturally for some people. Their brains have unconsciously incorporated the “Habit of Happiness” into their life due to the genetic makeup of their brains and their early family experiences. Unfortunately, others have unconsciously developed the ‘Habit of Unhappiness” (for the same reasons). Most of us live somewhere in between. Most […]
Advanced Awareness is about helping people become happier in their lives. Our personality is an important element in this process. It turns out, as a result of centuries of observation and research, that our brains organize into four basic preferences for thinking. These four basic “thinking preferences” have had several different labels over the years […]
New Message #1
Greetings. Welcome to the new Advanced Awareness website. This is the beginning of several messages I intend to post on this blog along with replies to your comments, questions or concerns. Please feel free to send your comments, questions or concerns to me via text, email, or the “Contact Us” page of this website. I […]